Word of the Day 每日一字

professional development 專業進修, wipe 擦拭, jump rope 跳繩, mop 拖地, soccer 足球, badminton 羽毛球, trash 垃圾, sweep 掃地, coloring 著色

clean 清潔, brush your teeth 刷牙, hula hooping 搖呼拉圈, take a nap 午休, board game 桌遊, read 閱讀, shadow puppet show 皮影戲, seed 種子, arts and crafts 手工藝

baking 烘焙, dodgeball 躲避球, clay 黏土, pound 搗, calligraphy 書法, exam 考試, healthy 健康的, serve 打菜, soccer 足球