Welcome to Dongfang Elementary School

Welcome to Dongfang Elementary School, located in the vibrant city of Changhua in Taiwan. At Dongfang, we are committed to providing a high-quality education to our students, fostering a love of learning and a sense of community. With about 500 students, we are a medium-sized school that is able to offer a close-knit and supportive environment. 

Our dedicated faculty and staff work tirelessly to create a supportive and inclusive environment where all students can thrive. In addition to a strong academic program, we also place a strong emphasis on athletics, with a particularly impressive soccer team. 

We are also proud to have a foreign English teacher on our faculty, who is helping to promote English education at our school. We invite you to explore our website to learn more about all that Dongfang has to offer and hope to see you on campus soon.

迎來到位於充滿活力的台灣彰化市的東芳國小。 在東芳,我們致力於為學生提供高質量的教育,培養他們對學習的熱愛和社區意識。 我們是一所中等規模的學校,擁有約 500 名學生,能夠提供緊密聯繫和支持性的環境。

我們全體敬業奉獻的教職員工孜孜不懈地努力創造一個支持性和包容性的環境,讓所有學生都能茁壯成長。 除了注重學術課程外,我們還非常重視體育運動,並請我們擁有一支優秀令人讚賞的足球隊。

我們全校以擁有一位外籍英文老師為英語教學奉獻而感到自豪,外師協助推動學校的英語教育。 我們邀請您瀏覽我們的網站,以了解更多關於東方所提供的一切,並希望很快能在校園裡見到您。